Sounds reasonable. 180 miles (300 km) would last the average driver about one week. If charging options are plenty, fast and working well, this could be enough.
Cold weather performance has to improve a bit too. That 300km can easily become 200 or less in a Canadian prairie winter, which isn't enough to be competitive with ICE vehicles, and given the state of charging infrastructure.
Don't forget that this article mentions that cars with shorter range will be more useful by 2030. There are still a few years to improve charging tech and infrastructure.
Right, but having to stop to charge midway through a 2-300 km trip isn't that practical for most around here. That length of drive isn't uncommon and stopping would be a turnoff for people used to doing the whole trip with an ICE vehicle.
I commute 65 miles each way for work. Assuming a 50% range loss during the winter months, I'd need at least 195 miles of range at the barest possible minimum. I'd prefer at least 50 miles of buffer to account for any errands I might need to run in addition to the commute, that's 245 miles.
Yeah, OK, then your point stands. In Germany the coldest winter nights we get are about -10 degrees Celsius, and at that temperature I get less than 20% range loss, but that's partly due to the lower speeds you naturally drive on slippery winter roads. In your conditions 50% range loss might actually be realistic since heat pumps drastically lose efficiency that far below freezing
Oh sure, most of us are trapped in a regressive energy waste cycle, but the article’s statement is about optimizing a slightly less wasteful form of transport, and that range acknowledges the requirement that we stop all the excessive travel in order to progress.
FWIW I have a short range BEV but living rurally means keeping a second gas car around. The vast majority of our trips are well within range, though. Commute to town is only seven kilometres and range is only 130km. If we had lots of money and two EV’s I would still have one be short range.
If we had lots of money and two EV’s I would still have one be short range.
I'm seeing a future where the EVs in our driveway play a much more important part of our home electricity storage. Depending on the scenario, two EVs with large-ish batteries may be more advantageous. I'll admit the stars would have to align for this, but its a possible future.