I am not writing this to shit on them, but I have to appreciate the irony in the situation. Something about a communist community getting messed up by lapses in individual responsibility, or an authoritarian leaning community getting messed up by fuckups in leadership.
Lol some hexers got salty at your comment in particular
(your comment copied)
shut up dork
Ikr. Its almost like we're a bunch of shitposters not a hyper serious org
Its almost like some people think they're immune to critisism as long as they can fall back on "It was just a joke/shitposting bro my five paragraph political essay followed by another five paragraphs of heated debate in the comments was just memes bro why do the libs take us seriously". Have these people ever heard the concept of Schrodingers asshole?
I tried to frame it like “huh that’s funny” and not as an insult. But it’s probably inevitable that some would take offense or just downvote to disagree. No issue with them.
I’m not a hex/MLer, but I don’t try to antagonize them either. And even if I wanted to, I’ve been here long enough to know that the dogpile was still coming, lol.
Good on you for trying to take the balanced center road, too many people here have tribalistic us vs them or nothing mentality.
Me personally? I just don't like hardcore extremist/radical people in general so im enjoying this, slight antagonism be damned.
Anyone who thinks their group personally has the best solution to all of societies problems and human power inbalances. Or anyone who thinks that their group is the pinnacle of morality and virtue who can do no wrong, while smugly trying to poke holes in every other competing idea or perspective all while willfully downplaying valid criticism for their own tribal group.
I dislike arrogant idealist who think they're better and smarter than the rest because they read a book or two on socioeconomic theory and went to a political science class in liberal arts college. I dislike self interest masquerading as false virtue and moral superiority. And yes, im talking about more than just tankies, lemmy is chock full of these same types just slight differences in the hats they wear.
So Im getting a little bit of scheudenfreud not because I care about their particular flavor of political extremism. Instead because its another group of smug pricks pushing another bullshit agenda while willfully dismissive of any inconvenient truths they dont like. Hexers just got a humorously ironic comeuppance for being the disorganized shitposters they pride themselves on being which is a big tasty cherry on top.
You might want to sit down and take some Tylenol. From what people keep telling me, a little bit of Time Trolling™ to retroactively rewrite a persons existence can cause nausa, vomiting, and or complete erasure from all timelines in somewhat rareish cases. Lets hope you don't end up like Jermey, the poor bastard ended up in a really kinky paradox and got Time Goatsed™ for all eternity. Well anyways don't worry im a professional so theres almost no chance of that happening... again... huh. WELPH Here... We... GO!