I don’t think it was bad faith. I think the conservative voters vote have a “me first” mentality. So when minorities are complaining about their negative treatment for being a minority, and how that negative treatment goes back literally hundreds of years and continues to this day, all the conservatives can think is, “well what about me??” They are genuinely narcissistic.
Also the mentality of many boomers. During the height of BLM protests I had to explain to my mom, who has voted Democrat my entire life, that all lives matter was a reactionary response meant to downplay or dismiss the experiences of black people.
That's an important part of it. Let's say half of it. I'd say the other half is zero-sum thinking about literally everything. If they see someone receiving help, their brain is screaming at them that those resources could have gone to them instead. I think it presents more as a strong feeling of moral right and wrong. They will never understand equity when their brain is tuned so badly wrong.
It's not always bad faith, some people just don't understand why it's bad. You can call them dumb or narcissistic, but a lot of them are genuine and need it explained to them.