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Mak' Some say that there may be a third way, but its utterance is anathema…
8 2 ReplyMelodiousFunk
My wish: just be allowed to be.
Sorry, can't let that happen. You must produce.
Okay, so then let me not be.
Sorry, can't let that happen. It's morally wrong. Plus, we need you to produce.
Forgive me for not being excited about another 20-30 years in Sisyphean purgatory.
9 1 Replyinsufferableninja what, like homesteading?
2 0 ReplyMutilationWave Like a different economic system. Or like our friend from Nintendo.
4 1 Reply🇸🇵🇪🇨🇺🇱🇦🇹🇪🇷
5 0 ReplyPeppycito
Donkey Kong. Smash the state.
6 1 Reply
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