Yeah... this and other organizations concluded that he didn't perform a nazi salute.... so what's the deal? Why are so many sources still saying he did nazi salute?
Right after he did that, he said, "My heart goes out to you." And later denied again.
You really have to be fucking brainwashed to believe that shit. HE DID IT TWICE IN A ROW THE EXACT SAME WAY
Not only did he do it twice in a row the same exact way, but he did a Nazi salute in the exact same manner as Adolf Hitler did and modern neo-nazis do. Zero chance that it was a mistake, it was obviously intentional.
No one can tell me that my eyes didn't see a Nazi salute when they did see it as plain as day.
What's REALLY fucked up is that people like you are still defending a Nazi salute. You are a Nazi apologist.
Just FYI. Also, notice the date. It's 10 months old and they updated the thumbnail because of how obviously correct they were. Elon Musk was born white and rich in apartheid era south Africa. His family migrated there from Canada after ww2 specifically because the race dynamics at the time. He openly touts blatantly eugenic ideology, fathers 12 children and freezes his sperm because of that ideology. Him doing a nazi salute and making nazi jokes in the aftermath is him just waving his dick around because he knows there's an army of fucking empty headed dumb fucks that will defend him.
Also, it's pretty wild that absolutely zero effort has been made "correcting" all the actual card-carrying nazis who celebrate every major action that Musk makes, from restoring their accounts on social media to boosting their memes and messages for years now. There's clips out there of people with swastika tattoos sieg-heiling recordings of Musk's "awkward gesture" and they look exactly the same.
Tell us again how we shouldn't trust our own eyes. I think there was a book somewhere that talked about this. I'd recommend looking into it.
Because most people learned the fucking lesson that there is ZERO justification. Inexcusable even as a mistake for someone in that position no matter how he got there, and inexcusable to dismiss it.
this and other organizations concluded that he didn’t perform a nazi salute
If someone takes a shit in your mouth and tells you it was a birthday cake, will you trust them just because they're an "organization?" Jesus christ and you people call others "cucks" it drives me batty but you long since abandoned value to intellectual consistency when you started hoisting madmen and wealthy landlords as somehow better than other people.
It's amazing for a group that says all day long that they're "free thinkers" there sure are a lot of people with mouths full of shit smiling because they've been told it's birthday cake and they're such special, good boys.
My point was that while Independent Jewish leaders are calling for the boycott. The State of Israel on the other hand, is holding hands up with Trump like a tag team.
His post was emulating the excuse people use when they are trying to deflect away from something obviously bad. The state of Israel will refuse to say that what Elon did was antisemitic or an actual Nazi salute. They will talk around the subject and say it wasn't ACTUALLY the Nazi salute, just him being exuberant in the moment. Or they will point out that the salute was around in Roman times and isn't actually an antisemitic salute even though Hitler used it, just like people will point out that the swastika is an ancient symbol from Hinduism so it also isn't antisemitic.
For a religion this old, you will find a lot of people with different ideas about the "fundamentals". There is a lot of Jewish scholars that reject Zionism and in particular in the beginning of the Zionist movement it was strongly opposed by religious scholars. They had to work quite extensively to create a "new understanding" of how to mix Zionism with Judaism, which over the time led to there now being particularly extreme Zionists, who claim to base it off of Judaism.
Help me understand your point, pls. I wasn't talking about zionism nor judaism. Plain nazism. Which killed millions of jews, equalling antisemitism. Especially nowadays when any statement is lightly attributed to antisemitism, a nazi salute could qualify as?