Yeah, from the looks of it, it seems like a bunch of Reddit randos got sick of no major protests happening and came up with their own thing. Naturally, they seem to have made alt accounts to do so, and started a new subreddit. I don't think it's malicious but it seems like they don't have a lot of experience running demonstrations or with any kind of activism really. So it's possible they'll make mistakes that more experienced organizers wouldn't have.
I've been looking into Indivisible recently. Their approach is to engage members of congress and local government, kind of like the Tea Party did for the conservatives. They don't seem to hold the large rallies that are more likely to get the average person involved. But they've got a lot of knowledge and experience and their approach has worked in the past. I encourage people to check them out.
I will try to find the source, but the 50501 subreddit and its organizers have partnered with an org that was formed and worked on the Sanders campaign in 2016. I think it was in the last few paragraphs of the Newsweek article that this was mentioned. So while it’s not NOT Reddit randos, it seems to be slightly more “by the book” than the “Reddit randos” phrasing would let on.