The president said agreements reached late in Joe Biden's presidency were meant to "harm my Administration."
Trump is nullifying federal employee union contracts negotiated in Biden’s final days.
Affected contracts include one with the Education Department ratified just before his inauguration. Trump cited a 2010 Supreme Court decision to justify his stance but did not provide a clear legal basis.
Hah! The presidency sure does provide a lot of power but he's about to find out just where that ends. If 800,000 workers go on strike he and his cronies won't be able to exist in their rich person bubbles.
The runways will be closed. The borders won't let them in or out. Public transport everywhere will stop functioning. The banks will be forced to stop letting them send money due to laws regarding transaction reporting that go through Federal union employees (I mean, I guess they could try to live their rich person lives with nothing but transactions under $10,000 🤷).
Just about everything going on in the US from a logistics and economic perspective relies on the work of Federal union employees. They don't even need to go on strike (which would technically be illegal but if Trump doesn't need to follow the law why should federal employees‽). They could just reduce everything to a crawl and it would have the same effect.
I'm so tired of people proclaiming that NOW finally, Trump will see the consequences of his chaotic stupidity and petulant egocentrism!
No, he's not going to "find out" anything, because he does not give a fuck who suffers and his supporters will gargle his balls no matter what he does.
You're absolutely right about the consequences of this latest crime, except for the part where Trump in any way feels anything negative about the experience.
I do think he wants everyone to quit and be replaced. I don't think he cares if the role is filled by someone qualified or not. That's my fear, this is truly to wreck the US.
There are enough already in those positions. Even heavily biased industries rarely get close to being dominated by one political party. The 'liberal white towers' of academia are only something like 1:6 Dem/left:Rep/right, and that's usually one of the extremes that republicans removed about. They'd removed about other industries if they were anywhere close. I would bet there are enough lackeys and people who feel neutral that the oh-so-important people don't feel much negative blowback.
I'm pulling numbers from the vagaries of books and articles read years ago, so accuracy probably isn't great on that.
From the wikipedia page, it looks like there's a fair bit of controversy about what polling really means, what it's collecting, and whether it's worth anything at all, but estimates for splits on the political divide definitely and routinely place more people on the liberal side than conservative, at ratios as incredible [in a 'whoah, really' way more than me caring, just because it seems like we have a 1:1:1 split of Dem/Rep/don't-give-a-fuck in voting numbers) as 28:1 in some places (New England, apparently).
For a good example of striking employees getting fired, see: the air traffic controller/PATCO strike under Reagan in 1981.
This is painting it with very broad strokes, but you can essentially be fired because they don’t like the color of your shirt buttons in most places (“at-will employment”). Sure, there technically has to be a reason, but your employer can find one.
Not technically, but your employer can hire someone to do your job while you're striking. The result is that when the strike is over, your job is filled and instead of going back to work, you are placed at the top of the rehire list for whenever that job becomes available again.
That's why it's essential to do the kind of strike that involves blocking access to the work sites and kneecapping any scabs that try to break through.