Throughout human history, there’s always been a lack of information. Then, somewhere around 2005, there was this brief moment where we had the perfect amount - and ever since, it’s been far too much.
Credit to Chris Williamson for coming up with this though. I just found it worth sharing.
I personally think that moment was in 1993, when the Encarta CD was released.
It had a huge amount of information, but it didn't feel overwhelming.
The internet also didn't feel overwhelming.
In 2005, I think the internet already felt overwhelming.
But I guess if you weren't the nerdy type crawling the web, then social media and smartphones were the game changer and I would put the date closer to 2010.
the internet is as useful as it's ever been it just stopped being a physical place you go, the computer, to something you carry with you everywhere as another layer of reality.
Before iPhones we had much useful BlackBerries, Nokia with advanced Symbian, some Windows CE/Mobile devices.
Even feature phones had something called WAP, but it was expensive.
Who needs a stylus?
Bring back full QWERY keyboards.