Do you believe in UFOs and intelligent extraterrestrial life? Yes/No, why?
I just watched the congressional hearing today with witnesses of UFOs (UAPs) and potentially intelligent extraterrestrial lifeforms. This is really exciting.
Do you believe in any of it?
Please explain why you do or don't. I'd like to hear your opinion.
There has to be something somewhere. It’s just not logical to think otherwise. We have barely scratched the surface of exploration and knowledge of space and to declare it doesn’t or can’t exist is crazy.
Does it look like what we know as life? Maybe but probably not. If I had to bet it’d be on some sort of microorganism that we find first.
As for intelligent life I think it’s also possible and probably likely.
If it does exist though why would they be wasting their time here just to float ominously in their massive ships as we were told in those hearings. And why does it happen at such a high rate in the US as opposed to elsewhere. And with everyone having a high quality camera in their pocket at all times are there 0 convincing pictures or multiple angles of the same thing. It always looks like someone shot it on a 1999 Nokia instead of the iPhone everyone has.
I doubt they’re planning their vacations like “let’s go check out that planet that’s killing itself and just float near the US military…”