If you want to test if the latency is in the software of Wayland itself, you can just create a software emulated HID input device that generates the motion, and a script that registers movement and click. The control being the emulated HID device, and the variable being the different compositor. Start a script that moves for a predetermined amount of time and click, and just record the difference. It should perform the same way each and every time, unless something is slowing it down, no?
The problem with this is more so that I would still have to record this "IRL", as recording it in software is just... meh (I mean, I could try), and I just don't have the equipment for that (I demonstrated as much there), so I will probably end up doing the Pico + light sensor thing as described there. Should be more reliable anyway (something very similar has been done already, and successfully), so... yeah, that.