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I think I'm done with at this point


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  • I won't talk about the [de]merits of what you're defending.


    99.99% of Lemmy boils down to "communities where you can discuss deep issues, and soapbox to your heart's content". Then there are a few islands of fluff, where people share pics and make some casual, non-divisive conversation. LW/c/pics is clearly one of those islands; yet you're trying to trigger a discussion there? "My right to soapbox precedes the right of everyone else to see fluff".

    Crazyblu is spot on: you were being passive aggressive. You could have voiced the exact same discourse ("I'm against animals being chained" or similar) in a more polite way; or, if you can't be polite due to the topic, at least be upfront with the aggressiveness, or use a dry tone. Pass-aggro is the worse of both worlds.

    The user is clearly disengaging without arguing ("I'm not having this conversation"), but you're still insisting.


    Unless context dictates otherwise, an omitted subject gets interpreted as the first person, so your comment reads like "[I] made a new account [to] circumnavigate the block…". As such, the mod interpreting this as you admitting ban evasion is totally justified.

    When you find a user evading a ban, instead of interacting with them, you report the user to the admins.

    Even then, IMO the mod should have checked if you were evading a ban, based on usernames or asking the admins for help. That's why I'm calling this BPR instead of YDI.

    "Ban evading fuck off back into your hole cretin" is not an acceptable reason. You don't insult users in mod logs.