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Trump’s Blitz of Executive Orders on Day One Revealed Trump’s Blitz of Executive Orders on Day One Revealed

Donald Trump is expected to make good on his campaign promises hours into taking office.

Trump’s Blitz of Executive Orders on Day One Revealed

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  • Basically America is about to fail hard very quickly. I say in the first 100 days we will be all living in a great depression. Hope I am wrong. But they did have 4 years to better prepare for this. Project 2025 is coming yall hope you're ready.

    • My bets are that it will be non-stop rage and fear .... there's going to be constant headlines of some new thing to be angry about or to fear ... then when it quiets down, Drump will say something stupid and get the rage ball rolling again. No one's ever going to have time to relax.

    • Worse than that. Expect mass incarceration to multiply, segregation and other discrimination to become legal again (mandated even), enemies/"others" to be targeted, and many, many people to die