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Probably not as interesting, but I was woken up as a kid (teen?) by my mom screaming and running into my room/in my bed. Woke up to see my dad standing in the doorway with a steak knife. She had asked him to go to rehab. That was it. We're good though 🤙🏾
66 0 Replyarchitectonas They tried to make me go to rehab 🎶
24 0 ReplyDenjin I think in hindsight, we can all agree, that Amy Winehouse should have indeed gone to rehab.
36 0 ReplyBonesOfTheMoon OP There's literally a video of her doing coke while performing. Like mid song.
10 0 Replystinky
rehab doesn't "fix" people. do you have any experience with addiction? if there was a magic cure, there would be no addicts.
4 9 ReplyDenjin It's a joke you cabbage
15 0 Replystinky
one that perpetuates an acceptable level of ignorance. Addiction is hell. You're joking about people being in unimaginable pain. It's disgusting.
3 15 ReplyDenjin You're in unimaginable pain
8 1 Replystinky
Banned from my instance. Have the day you deserve.
1 14 ReplyMachinist
Bet you're fun at parties.
6 1 ReplyDenjin 😭
5 0 ReplyCall me Lenny/Leni 1 0 Reply
Rekorse Can I be banned too?
4 0 ReplyCall me Lenny/Leni Downvotes might just check out for once.
1 0 Reply
jpreston2005 rehab is a lot better of an idea than nothing
6 0 ReplyRekorse Rehab can work for those who want to use it, it very rarely works for those forced to go to it.
There, feel better now?
4 0 Reply
and I said 🔪🔪🔪
21 0 Reply