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JadenSmith Not going to lie I've bought Prime recently... But only because the energy drinks are 4 for £1 at a local shop.
Sure it tastes like the sugar monster came in my mouth, but what a bargain!
27 2 ReplyNocturnalEngineer Would have been cheaper drinking tap water, and not tasting the sugar monster spunk in your mouth.
42 5 ReplyTakumidesh Does tap water have caffeine now?
12 0 Replypsycho_driver Almost certainly in trace amounts. Cocaine and semen too.
6 0 Replyandros_rex Should sell it as homeopathic.
5 0 ReplyJcbAzPx That is already what homeopaths do.
1 0 Reply
What if that's what you're into
2 0 Replybobs_monkey Life your best life and hope you don't have cardiac issues
5 0 Reply
JadenSmith How do you think I'm saving money? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1 0 Reply
Same. First time trying because they were insanely cheap. They're also disgusting. Way too much fake sugar.
4 0 Replyspookex I got some for free because my brother found a store that actually imports them (they aren't available in regular supermarkets) and bought some.
Tastes like a generic sugar-free drink, I'd just go with a regular energy drink since it tastes better
2 0 Reply