I'm obsessed with the idea of being an affectionate and loving boyfriend and I HAVE to gush about it
I was born to love. I'm this soft and gentle introverted guy with a bottomless well of tenderness and affection. It is, without exaggeration, the greatest blessing I have ever received.
I vehemently ADORE the idea of making a special someone so happy and being so devoted to her happiness and well-being. I get so giddy just thinking about it! I'm this big bundle of joy and affection inside who wants to shower someone with hugs and kisses and words of admiration. And yet, I have a tender, steady energy to me that will dole out that affection at a calm and measured pace.
That's one of the things I love the most about this personality. I have this sweet, quiet, and unassuming presence, but under the surface is an enormous wellspring of love and care brewing of inside of me that I just HAVE to let out. My inner geek would meticulously observe and study my partner's wants and needs, her likes and dislikes, and the things that make her feel loved and cared for. And then, I would translate my theories into sweet, sweet praxis.
And when any kind of affection is shown back to me, I will completely MELT. There is no facade of masculine stoicism here. If my partner touches me, I'm going to turn into jelly. Everything she does will have me on the floor, incoherently blubbering about how much I love and appreciate her. I live for utter trust and surrender to someone who loves and cares about me, and my partner will surely know it.
I'd love a relationship where we treat each other as equals, where we listen to one another and make decisions together as a team. A relationship filled with mutual love and devotion where we can take turns lavishly melting each other with affection sounds like heaven.
I'm so endlessly glad that I didn't end up as some misogynistic jerkwad who treats his partner like dirt and orders her around all day, because my father was exactly that. But I shouldn't pat myself on the back too much, because I can always improve and I will always have blind spots. I need to be attentive to my partner's needs, communicate effectively with her, and honestly reflect on what effects my actions had. Cultivating a loving relationship is an ongoing process, not a one-and-done deal. It takes work and commitment, and that is an endeavor that I wish to dedicate myself to.
I've never actually been in a relationship (I'm only 22), but I want to actively grow and nurture a healthy mindset now. I'm an idealist at heart, but I know that ideals are goals to work towards, not promises to expect. In order to for a big, beautiful flower to bloom, you have to start from a seed and care for it over time. You can't just expect perfection to appear on the first day. The mindset I wish to cultivate is the knowledge and the heart required to become a gardener of love, to carefully attend to those delicate flower buds every step of the way so that they may blossom into big, beautiful roses.
But just knowing that I hold the power inside to create something so heavenly and fulfilling for someone else in spite of the world's hardship and strife... it's hard to describe to beautiful that is to me. And it's an incredible honor to have the privilege of creating anything even approximating that. I feel a moral duty to take good care of this part of myself and use it to create the most loving and supportive relationship that I can.
Whenever I indulge in my fantasies of a loving, nurturing relationship, I feel waves of euphoric warmth wash over me. It feels so cozy and comforting, like being wrapped in a warm blanket or a gentle hug. It's the ultimate life hack; I can trigger a whole deluge of positive emotions for free, without needing separately packaged, inferior versions to be sold to me piecemeal. It feels uniquely soul-mending, like something making me whole again, restoring a sense of safety and security that I seemed to have lost long ago.
It has made me so much happier throughout the day. I find myself wanting to be so openly warm and caring to other people. Negative things just don't impact me as much. Seeing who I am in these fantasies makes me want to bring that part of my personality out more, to say kind things where I may not have said anything before.
My dream isn't to become rich. It isn't to become famous, to become an astronaut, or to climb Mount Everest. My dream is to become the sweetest, cuddliest, most sensitive lovebug of a boyfriend I can possibly be, and make someone else so incredibly happy.
And I am so, so happy that I have the chance to embody that person.
You have already fantasized to an unhealthy degree in your head who you believe you are in a relationship, that when you do actually get into one, and they express in any way a problem that you should work on, or they don't react in the way you have expected in your head, it's not going to go well.
I grew up with parents who basically decided how they are to be perceived by others, and also focused on everything being perfectly as they assumed it'd be, and it's toxic and sometimes unsafe.
Most of what you wrote about how you are, are written in ways others might say about you, but saying it about yourself seems out of place and likely to lead to something bad when it doesn't turn out that way in reality.
Most of what you wrote about how you are, are written in ways others might say about you,
In retrospect, this IS a very weird stylistic choice, and definitely isn't how I would describe myself under normal circumstances. These are internal feelings of self-concept that are presented in a way that basically compliments myself, which, yeah, definitely comes off as odd. This was an extremely unconventional way of saying "I'm confident in who I am and I feel good about that." Pretty much a dead giveaway that I did not actually consider the audience when I threw this random jumble of thoughts out there.
My own self-image will never exist in other people's minds. Everyone I've interacted with holds a different version of me in their heads, and they are all imperfect projections with various degrees of distortion based on all of the information that their brains have taken in about me. To attempt to force someone to accept my personal image of myself would be ill-fated and narcissistic.
Take this post for example. I sound completely unhinged to most of the people in this comment section. Everything I do and say will be colored through the lens of that first impression, and there's no way to change that. So what else is there to do except own it, learn from it, and move on? People are gonna people, and you can't change them, so focus on building understanding and modifying your own actions accordingly. I've learned so much fascinating stuff from this thread about how other people perceive my words, and that will help me communicate better with people who think differently than me in the future.
When I talk about who I want to embody, I am not talking about controlling how others perceive me; I'm talking about what I aspire to be. It's the difference between telling people that you want to be a good person and telling people that you are a good person. The former describes your own standards and aspirations, while the latter sounds narcissistic. I meant the things I said in the former, aspirational way. I will never fully be a good person or a good partner, but that doesn't mean I can't keep working towards those goals. This is what I meant in the post when I said:
I know that ideals are goals to work towards, not promises to expect.
Nothing I fantasize about or imagine will ever actually exist. The feelings are real, but the situations I imagine are fictional. You're right that tying my understanding of reality to what happens in this fictional world would be disastrous, and one must daydream responsibly by being aware of this and regularly grounding their understanding in real life experiences.