I try to take heart in the fact that the majority didn't actually vote for him, but it's cold comfort, considering so many couldn't be bothered to vote at all.
He did get the highest percent, but under half of voters. Still fucking depressing, but as numbers were fully counted and confirmed his percentage steadily decreased.
If it helps (it won’t), voter suppression has been working overtime since like 2012. My ballot didn’t come until the 8th of November, and I couldn’t spring for a surprise voting day flight home. For more local citizens, things like making them wait six hours and banning people from providing water are effective, not because people don’t care, but because people are concerned with immediate survival, so they might have to leave the line to go to work.
He wants to bring the stock market down, at least until he is in office. It's what he likes to use as a scoreboard. Since his move to easy federal deficit fell through, he needs to find othe means to be able to pump the market further into a bubble. Watch him change his tune as soon as he is in office. He will probably say, oh well Greenland and Panama decided to take a deal, so "Mission Successful!.... while he quietly releases J6ers and takes even more control of our politics behind the curtain.
The people who voted for this don't read the news because they have their heads up their asses, blissfully unaware what goes on in the world.
And will blame the dems for anything bad in their life.
judging from the behaiivor of people on social media, everything from little kids to grown adults of both parent and grandparent age. people are fucking stupid and im not at all surprised, education failed, brain rot won. this is not surprising
Surprise is qualitative. I was ready for this (left the country 3 years ago, still voted from abroad) but I was fully ready to have been wrong all this time. I'm not used to being this prescient, and it doesn't bode well for the rest of what I think I need to be ready for.
Conservatives have larger amygdalas so they respond more to that strategy. Liberals have larger prefrontal cortex's where things like empathy and critical thinking happen, that's why they're "bleeding heart liberals".
It's not a small difference. A random person off the street with zero medical training can tell your political leaning from just an MRI scan once someone points out the two relevant parts with like 82% accuracy, which considering some people will be "between" is crazy accurate.
Now, the difference isn't innate, and it can change even later in life.
But as people's brains change so the amygdala gets to call more shots, that person is going to want conservative politicians, so Dems move to the right to chase the voters they scared into becoming more conservative...
Which just further disenfraches the people with a larger left insula (prefrontal cortex) and makes both parties appear the same to them even if one is the "lesser evil".
It's not really new, we've known about this since before trump won his first election.
It's just the people running the DNC do t care about sociology or even psychology...
The dems started relying completely on that strategy. They threw away the hope and change stuff that won them the presidency in 2008. Like the person you're replying to said, they gave up on the "bleeding heart liberals".