Hello and welcome to our Weekly Discussion thread, I would like to appologise for the delay in posting, this will not become a pattern in the new year.
Please have a seat, take a tea or warm beverage for compensation for waiting so long, and Enjoy the second week of the new year
To all Americans here, please get educating, agitating and organising. I think with all the climate catastrophes, insane government actions and generally thing just getting worse this is a wakeup call to many people, especially those who are "apolitical". Weakening the capitalists in their home will weaken them elsewhere, weaken the chain so that the links are easier to break!
and don't give up on people just because they have reactionary identity politics. (unless of course you are a target of their reactionary views) Class consciousness has a large influence on breaking through identity politics while identity politics do next nothing to further class consciousness. (which is why usa uses rainbow imperialism and pink washing)
There is more revolutionary potential in a reactionary individual who is angry at all the wrong people for their material conditions than there is in a liberal who is materially comfortable in the status quo. Its just a matter of inertia, redirecting an object in motion requires less energy than getting a stopped object moving.
A liberal will never get angry enough to act until their material conditions degrade significantly which is something only the ruling class has control over. Redirecting the justified anger of an ignorant reactionary to the real source of their material hardships is just a question of agitation. Material conditions are what drive people to action while ideology drives what actions they take. We can't influence people's material conditions but we can influence ideology.