Honestly I'm more offended people made a big deal about COPS! getting cancelled only to be replaced with Live PD, which doesn't have a team filming them but rather just works off all the body camera footage. Worse than COPS ever was.
“Live” pd had a camera crew, they also use dash cam and body cam footage. That’s kind of the point of the “live” pd name, a crew following and filming them for the majority of it. They did use a delay and would clearly end or cutaway from stuff but its successor on patrol “live” has definitely shown police doing dumb shit and has caused some departments to pull out of being on the show.
There’s other shows and I forgot the name that would just do re-enactments of calls and responses and some that only use body cam / dash cam footage.
I definitely understand anyone who won’t watch it and I won’t cry when it goes off the air. It’s a guilty pleasure of mine because one of the areas that’s commonly on it is near where I used to work as a firefighter. So it’s kinda neat seeing some of the ppl I used to interact with in a negative or positive light 🤷
That's fair, I actually heard that they recently started doing my first college's town regularly, and it made me wonder about some folks I used to know there.
yeah Chicago PD is also notably gross, especially when you consider how much real life violence occurs in the city as a direct result of police antagonism.
it's a show that hits all the usual conservative copaganda talking points. cops are good. bad guys are bad. innocent people will be fine as long as they comply. then consider how often a "good" character is white and a "bad" character is black, and a disconcerting pattern starts to arise. the show is outright cop apologia
New kid on the block always flew off the handle and went with his gut feeling. He was constantly using excessive force and beating up suspects. Even when it seemed like he went to far they would ultimately find out that whoever he beat up was a "piece of shit criminal" and they deserved it. The sister who was a DA and tried to get them to follow the rules was played as a bleeding heart liberal, and would get herself or others in trouble from being too soft on crime. She was also portrayed as a "ball busting removed" with a chip on her shoulder. Grandpa was a racist fuck that everyone justified as that's just grandpa, he's from a different time.
Was your impression that the DA sister was a liberal? She was always doing her part to put people in jail, just didn't tolerate the police cutting corners. She always put her family first as well, corrupt as hell.
I really hated that episode of Skip Intro's copaganda because it was just so well argued... it's a really good episode but man does it get my blood boiling!
It's a shame the show is such a good concept. I loved watching what was essentially an every day look into this police dynasty but boy did it get unbearably boot licky over time. The old man telling his stories of how he used to not give a fuck as an old cop from the 60s was always funny (and explains how the family has always been this "privileged" strata).
there's a world where better writers make something better with it. as it stands it's either overtly racist, or as tone deaf as saying "i don't see color"