When looking for a job, do you choose quit smoking for months at a time, admit you are a medical user and hope for exception, use synthetic pee, or use a detox kit??
I am in the job market and was wondering what your strategies are?
Honestly this has always been a serious source of stress for me. Pot is a true medicine to me that really helps with my particular issues. As both a chunky person and daily smoker its very hard for me to abstain for the ~two months needed. Even then its not gurenteed out of your system right?
So I always went with synthetic and its always a stressful day going in and hoping for the best somehow worrying I'll get caught and jailed. I hate it hate it hate it.
Now a days I hear that because medical is so normalized lots of companies either don't care or have policies for it. I hear stories on the internet of how people just straight admit in the interview and ask if its okay. Do any of you actually go for this strategy?
Detox never seemed right to me. Combination of snake oil marketing and flushing out your system really fast seems sketchy.
The way drug test are implemented has never seemed fair or put in place for a good reason beyond company insurance policy requiring it. Coke heads, alcoholics, pill poppers, shrooms munchers, cigarette smokers, none of them get shafted like us pot smokers do on the piss test. Its kind of unjust if it targets one demographic way harder than others.
Would you be comfortable giving some more information on the exact detox procedure and the kit used? Do you have to take niacin to make your pee yellow?
Medical lab scientist here. There’s no such thing as a “detox kit”. All you’re doing is drinking enough water to dilute the sample. The detox kit may have vitamins or creatine to help beat tests commonly used to detect dilution, but there’s no “detoxing” occurring. It’s just dilution.
You can drink a lot of water, pop a B vitamin, maybe some creatine, and you’d be just as well off as a detox kit. Frankly unless it’s a high security type position I doubt they’re paying for extra testing for dilution. I recently did one at Quest diagnostics and all they cared about was the temperature.
Hey @deranger@sh.itjust.works thank you very much for the great reply. This is valuable information that took more than a moment of your time to write and I'm grateful.
Lower risk of getting busted for adulteration: drink lots of water. I like to do a half gallon to gallon of water the day of the test. If you hydrate sooner (eg days before) you won’t need to drink as much the day of the test. Clear urine is good urine anyways, kidney stones are a removed. If they actually care about dilution they’ll ask you to resubmit. Submitting dilute urine is not a failure, it’s just not a pass. Probably not even tested for unless you’re trying for a top secret job or something like that.
Lower risk of getting busted for dilution: use synthetic urine. Risk here is getting caught with the fake piss or being out of temperature range. Chemically speaking though this is the least risk. Synthetic pee is what they use to calibrate the analyzers and “dipstick”/drop of urine on a card style drug tests. It’s perfect in terms of fooling the analytical lab portion. I used this recently to pass a test and it worked great, but I was paranoid about the temperature (it was perfectly in range, though).
Detox kits are necessarily bullshit but it’s just a more expensive form of dilution and supplementation to beat dilution tests.
It changes the color from clear to yellow so it passes a visual inspection. The idea is before the test you drink enough water so you’re just peeing near water. You can’t really reduce the amount of THC metabolites in your urine, but you can very effectively increase the amount of water in your urine. This drops the THC metabolite concentration below the positive cutoff level. It looks like water though, so a B vitamin adds color.
If you drink a ton of water to detox your pee turns from yellow to crystal clear as its almost pure water without a chance for your body to put in the stuff that make it yellow. Crystal clear piss is one of the tell tale signs of dillution so to hide it people take niacin or vitamins to put some color back in the pee. Hope that clears it up.
It’s been 4 years since I’ve needed one but if you go on one of the bigger marijuana websites like Leafly or just Google reviews I’m sure you’ll find some good recommendations. I never took niacin and passed no problems for 3 fortune 100s or the private company equivalents. If you’re properly hydrated your pee will be clear anyways