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akchually this can be legitimately spinned in favour of tesla
police are already saying that the explosion wasn’t as bad because it went off inside a cybertruck
19 4 ReplyDragonTypeWyvern Cops will say any damn thing that lets them lick the boot
83 2 Replymadcaesar Cops and simping for the rich, name a better duo
17 2 Reply
ray Yeah, it would have been worse if it went off inside something valuable
58 0 Replyrtxn Pedestrians should be thankful that the windows gave out so easily, otherwise the body panels might've turned into giant shrapnel.
23 0 Replypsud Or that the guy wasn't good at bombs. If it has been filled with ANFO they would have been identifying victims from tiny parts and investigating by video evidence. Many in the hotel would have been killed
3 0 Replyrtxn I remember ANFO from Mythbusters. It really hates cement trucks and train station mock-ups.
3 0 Reply
Kalysta Except in the case of an accidental fire, apparently the doors lock down and trap the drivers? That’s what I took away.
How is that better?
11 1 Replypsud While parked if the car no longer detects a key it locks. It's still easy to open from inside. Emergency services can gain entry with an angle grinder
I'm sure during a collision they unlock
In this case I think the key went offline due to the explosion
3 1 Reply
Which is a weird fucking thing for a cop to immediately say when police also said explosion included "an electric vehicle" that they wouldn't specifically identify right away.
5 0 Reply