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BlameThePeacock I know people are going to vote him in, but I wonder how long before they realize he can't fix the problems either and their lives get even worse.
23 1 ReplyTheAgeOfSuperboredom They'll just keep blaming Trudeau or the left or immigrants or woke or...
32 1 Replystreetfestival OP
In 2027, when the people of Canada are weary after a few years of PP's 'leadership', an early 2020s CPC "Fuck Trudeau" sign will hit hard
7 0 ReplyT00l_shed I wish you would be right, but it's more likely that they will still ascribe it to Trudeau and the libs.
16 0 Replycorsicanguppy Blamestorming is part of the CPC platform.
7 0 Reply
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