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Meet Orbit, Mozilla's AI Assistant Extension for Firefox Meet Orbit, Mozilla's AI Assistant Extension for Firefox

Orbit by Mozilla is a new AI-powered assistant for the Firefox web browser that makes summarising web content while you browse as easy as clicking a

Meet Orbit, Mozilla's AI Assistant Extension for Firefox

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  • Firefox, tell your creepy little friend he can get the fuck off my property!

    • It's an add-on, not something baked-in the browser. It's not on your property at the first place, unless you choose to install it 🙂

      • For now, but one day Firefox will try sneak him into my house and hide him in a cupboard untill squatters rights kick in.

        • Even they choose to do so in future, usually there always is a about:config entry to disable it.

        • I can't wait for Firefox to Starr putting product recommendations on all web pages