This article breaks global emissions down by sector, and I'm assuming that private jets and private yachts (both the top contributors to billionaire emissions from your link) are included in the aviation and shipping sections, which are 1.9% and 1.7% respectively. Both areas are likely dominated by non-billionaire sources (e.g. freight and passenger travel), so we're probably looking at <1% of global emissions (probably far less) coming from billionaire jets and yachts.
I'm not saying it's okay for billionaires to be that wasteful, I'm saying it's not what's causing our problem, and even if we eliminate 100% of pollution from billionaires, we'll still have a massive problem.
Are you getting paid or are you playing the devil advocate?
More the second, but mostly because I see people blaming the wrong problem. Billionaires aren't the problem, though they are symptoms of problems we have, like high medical care costs (and again, insurance company behavior is a symptom), CO2 emissions, erosion of privacy, data breaches, etc. Yes, billionaires had a hand in each of these, but the real problem is the lack of accountability.
As the saying goes, don't hate the player, hate the game.