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General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 52

Welcome again to everybody. Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is the weekly discussion thread.

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  • Should I feel guilty for refusing to donate to Wikipedia?

    The regular contributors tend to be jerks and the quality of content is notoriously variable, but the main reason that I keep ignoring their begging is that I suspect that Wikipedia already receives substantial donations from government agencies, since they've meddled in it before. There is no way that they'd let it go without a fight. So I think that the Wikimedia Foundation is only begging for donations so that government agencies don't have to bail it out.

    • not at all; it's primarily used to spread imperialist propaganda and IMO it's done far more harm than good

      • I had forgotten just how severe the government interference was. (Somewhat odd, too, given Wales's propertarianism.)

        In 2020, it was discovered that the Scots language Wikipedia was almost solely edited and managed by a 19-year-old US citizen who did not speak a word of Scots from the time he was 12. He also used his administrative powers to block others from correcting his vandalism.[18]

        Holy cow, that is almost upsetting to me since I think that Scots is a very interesting language.

        a group of committed Wikipedia editors on the English instancce have been promoting a skewed version of the history of the Holocaust that is touted by right-wing Polish nationalists, whitewashes the role of Polish society in the Holocaust, and bolsters stereotypes about Jews.

        This is a sad reminder that my work on informing others about Fascism remains necessary, as very few people in general talk about the Polish anticommunists' collaboration with the Fascist empires. I can understand why many of us are uncomfortable approaching a topic where the subject is simultaneously a victim as well as a victimizer (like the Jewish Kapos), but this sort of evasion is motivated by something less innocent than that.

        Wikipedia blocks the IP addresses of VPNs and other proxies, preventing users from mainland China from editing. [...] Wikipedia often deletes articles about topics outside of the West. For example, Chinese Wikipedia deleted an article about the Xuzhou urban expressway while keeping an article about a 200-meter-long street in Hong Kong.

        The hypocrisy is almost palpable.

        The Wikimedia Foundation collects over $100 million per year even though only $10 million is needed to keep Wikipedia running. It raises money by lying that Wikipedia needs more money to avoid shutting down.[10]

        Okay, now I definitely don't feel guilty about ignoring their begging. These paskudnyaks are almost as disgusting as common scammers.