Black coffee and baked eggs with mixed vegetables, done in the pressure cooker. I usually cycle to work and ten miles with nothing but coffee inside me would be bad, so I managed to find something I like, and because I'm in the UK I can leave the eggs out on the counter so when I fall out of bed and into my cycling gear and stumble through to the kitchen for coffee, the eggs are there, the pressure cooker is there, and it's a two minute job to get everything cooking while I make coffee.
The amount of prep and foresight feels like I'm reading about a future civilization compared to my lifestyle. Kudos to you, I'm envious and hope to get there one day ❤️
I like cycling, and my other option, taking public transport, entails having to deal with far too many other people in proximity first thing in the morning, so I found a way that works for me. I get my bag with my work clothes ready the night before, and put my cycling clothes out, so everything is ready when I wake up.