Ages ago I built a couple raspberry pi zero powered Game Boys. Those were fun projects, but not the best hand helds due to boot up times.
My first retail device was an Anbernic M280. I even gifted one to my brother. It was great, but the tiny screen sucked. I still have it, but never use it.
Then I got an RG353P which I love.
I also have a Steam Deck.
I gifted an RG35XX for Christmas last year. I dropped the first one in a parking lot, breaking the screen. So I had to buy a second one to gift. I still have the broken one and plan on putting that inside an arcade stick.
@chunkystyles@rozlav The boot time is indeed kind of annoying. Seems like there ought to be some way to save a memory image, and reload it on startup, and avoid a proper boot.
I just got a pi zero 2w, and read somewhere that they boot faster than the v1 pi zero. We'll see.
But the solution may just be to have a decent battery, and try not to let it ever get to 0%.
Honestly, just get a retail unit of some kind. Unless you're just extremely picky, and one doesn't exist that meets your criteria. The devices on the market these days absolutely blow away anything based on a raspberry pi. And they'll be cheaper.
@chunkystyles I'm not doing this for practical reasons!
I hacked/rooted/jailbroke or whatever you want to call it a 3DS and that's now my emulation device for GB family games.
(It's a big process; Nintendo naturally didn't make it easy; took most of an evening, but the result was a pretty good device for copying ROMs onto and playing them).
I think the only handhelds that are more comfortable than the GBA are the ones that are way bigger. If you look at the rg351 lineup or like the retroid 5 mini they're all basically the same.
I think since everyone was raving over the SP variant the GBA one will do well too