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What's your Star Trek hot take?

Mine is that Discovery should have been a series taking place in the Picard era.


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  • The Tholians are the scariest alien race in the series.

    • More exposition! Explain yourself.

      For me, the Borg were boring until First Contact, where they became scary. Invasive. Not just lumbering Frankenstein's monsters with good shields.

      But I want to hear more about your thoughts on the Tholians.

      • The Borg came about when I was very young, so they were incredibly scary to me.

        I recall the Tholians from a Game Boy game I had, but they were no big deal. It was when they were featured on Enterprise that they became scary to me. They're so different and we don't know a whole lot about them (I haven't seen any Trek after Enterprise, no spoilers please). That's what makes them scary to me.

        • That's because Tholians originally came from ST:TOS, and TOS had a relatively large number of non-Sapien races. TNG made bumpy-foreheads a standard, and later retconned it into the universe with the Progenitor storyline - probably as a cost-saving measure - but TOS was full of truly alien races which looked nothing like humans. Most were one-off encounters, and the recurring aliens tended to be humanoid: Klingons, Romulans, Vulcans. Cost, a recognition that viewers were going to struggle with identifying with non-humanoid body plans, and probably realizing that fleshing out a truly alien psychology was a lot of hard work; easier when the Enterprise has only a brief, single-episode encounter with a race.

          TNG, and later series, went hard-core on the bumpy foreheads, and most of the few non-humanoid aliens were some sort of nebula or energy creature - far cheaper to render. At one point I hoped that with how much of new series were CGI, and his cheap it had become, that new series would ditch the Proginator-dominated interactions and re-introduced alien aliens. Lower Decks did, a bit, and The Orville (ST-adjacent) did a little better than the usual live-action ST. Bab5 was still mostly humanoid, although two major, recurring species were very inhuman.

          Anyway, TOS did a commendable job of populating the universe with really alien aliens, and did so long before CGI. It's one reason why I think TOS is still the best ST.

          • Bab5 was still mostly humanoid, although two major, recurring species were very inhuman.

            B5 also had almost no budget. A lot of the sets are TOS quality despite being made in the '90s.