I want to learn how to code
I want to learn how to code
How do I go about this? Are there any free resources that’ll help me get started?
I see people advising to start with a small project, but you need to get some basics down right? What language? How to develop it and stuff?
My only experience is some very basic C programming classes I took during school.
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JoeKrogan @lemmy.world
I'd say install linux first as it will make things easier as python is built in and ts just a better OS all around.
As for getting started you can use youtube Or some free books such as
https://automatetheboringstuff.com/ https://inventwithpython.com/
And more here https://pythonbooks.org/free-books/
After a few videos and a book you will get the hang of it and get more confident in your abilities. Then do a project of your own
There are other languages but python will allow you to make progress fast and you can branch out to a different language later of if you like.
4 2 Replyamldvk @lemmy.world OP I really wish I could run Linux but almost all of the software I use for work is only on Windows.
But I will say I am decent in following instructions and using the cli. My mum’s system runs linux and that has been a learning experience.
1 0 ReplyJoeKrogan @lemmy.world
Fair enough, you can always do it on windows too or use a virtual machine
2 0 Reply