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Godric Aulë was fucking savage, when his wife Yavanna worried that his creations, the Dwarves, would cut down all the trees, his response was "everyone is gonna cut down the trees". Brutal.
25 0 Replyrustydomino OP
"'Nonetheless they will have need of wood,' said Aule, and he went on with his smith-work." What a G.
16 0 ReplyDessalines
Nevertheless, they will need wood. Absolute dickhead. She should have made her trees eat dwarves in response.
14 0 ReplyWillBalls And she did! The ents were explicitly made to protect the trees from the other races of middle earth
7 0 Reply
groet I would assume dwarves need the least wood. Their houses are made from stone and they most likely use mined coal for their smithing instead of charcoal.
10 0 ReplyThavron
What do you think mines are supported with?
6 0 Replyeffrythinginmoderation The children who yearn for them.
15 0 ReplyDragonTypeWyvern Behold, manling.
4 0 Replygroet Stone mostly (and a bit of wood every few meters)
And humans and elves also have mines.
Point is dwarves use less wood not no wood at all.
3 0 Reply
rooroo The earth is kinda young though, not a lot of scientific reasoning for there to be coal to mine.
2 0 ReplyDragonTypeWyvern Tolkien: it's Ent blood, checkmate SCIENCE
4 0 ReplySwedneck
civilization starter chest
1 0 Reply