I'm looking into hosting a blog site for myself - nothing fancy, just a site where I can publish some of my thoughts and ideas. Maybe I also want a section to publish images.
So, basically something lean and mostly text only.
I do that. I have WordPress.org with classic editor enabled and the raw html plugin. Use a classic layout like twenty twelve if you don't want the fancy effects. Look for a host that has softaculous or something similar to automate the installation. My host charges about £60 pa with unlimited bandwidth.
You can also use WordPress.com for free but it has Gutenberg, which I absolutely cannot bear. Some people like it though. It's also less customisable.
Yeah the infamous block editor. As an old skool hand-coder, I can't stand it. You have to manually enable classic editing each time on WordPress.com otherwise it defaults to the Gutenberg editor. I heard it's improved somewhat recently, but when I first used it it was the biggest load of crap, worse than the beep beep boop one, which was at least useable. It was both dumbed down and unintuitive at the same time.
At least on a .org installation, classic editor disables Gutenberg completely.
Thanks, I didn’t know what it’s called. I agree that the block editor is unusable. Honestly, it reminds me of GeoCities. I wouldn’t consider it progress.