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Diplomjodler Have you tried making your sandwiches at home?
83 12 Replyfrunch The avocados keep going bad though
26 0 Reply2piradians I had this problem. If it helps, avocados keep for a good deal longer in the refrigerator.
14 0 ReplyTonyTonyChopper
Eat them
6 1 Replyzombie bubble kitty
neurotypical propaganda
6 0 Reply
This only really works when you're at home.
18 2 ReplyDiplomjodler You'll be so amazed when you learn about sandwich boxes.
23 3 Replyshalafi Something funny I noticed at my last two jobs. The people who had their financial act together always brought their lunch. The broke people, like me, almost always ate out. Go figure.
12 0 ReplyDiplomjodler I'm sure these two things have nothing whatsoever to do with each other.
6 2 Reply
Empricorn Then we can afford housing!
7 1 ReplyAmputret
Game changer!
7 1 Reply
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