Jap, I've been a fan since the beginning. I even played survarium. I have all of the games on steam and physical (minus this one) so I'm a die-hard GSC fan. I was quite pissed when they took that MS exclusivity deal because I saw this happening a mile away. I knew they were going to be forced to release a substandard version to slot in MS's calendar rather than when they felt it was ready. I'm happy to buy it down the line when it is more of a complete work and physical editions hopefully enclose a stable self contained game rather than needing an extra 140GB download to play the game I already paid for.
AI's current writing style on topics like this, is to repeat the same thing in subtly different ways. If you find yourself reading the same paragraph 3 times in a row, then it's probably AI.
Redundancy is one tell, for sure. But another sign of AI slop is writing like this:
"While STALKER 2 can be a compelling experience even with inconsistent performance and a multitude of bugs, the continued presence of these problems could hinder the game's chances at success."
It reads like a middle school essay. Words for the sake of words, that don't really mean or convey anything. Baby's first thesaurus.