Wouldn't this allow like three states to dictate the other 47?
Sure popular vote sounds nice. But is it really practical if the goal is to raise the quality of life for everyone?
A popular vote would allow the leading majority to neglect 49% of the active voters and groom the 51%. It's the majority's tyranny.
Edit* wow you absolute degenerates. You only support this idea because you have the popular vote. If the tide turn this one suggestion could fuck you sideways. If tye republican party had the popular vote you wouldn't engage in this circlejerk. Never support a suggestion that could shackle you to a sinking ship.
This take can sound reasonable at first but it's not the right way to look at it.
51% deciding the election is better than as low as 25% or so deciding in the system we have now. I mean, look at the candidates, they're only visiting a few swing states and ignoring the rest. The issue you're worried about is already happening.
You're as reflected as a surface painted in Stuart Semple's Black 3.0.
Defending a stance solely because it's in your favour in this particular time isn't a long term solution. It can shaft you and keep you shafted if the tide turns.
Having in place a system that allows for diversity should be in the interest of any democrat with an IQ above celcius room temperature. Gerrymandering onbtye other hand and other ways of manipulation is a more rational way of attacking the issue.