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The Pantser
Also relevant, two people of the same religion praying for the same thing. The god fights themselves. Or flips a coin, free will remember.
37 0 Replyargh_another_username Jim Carrey comes to mind in Bruce Almighty, when he starts to say yes to every prayer and thousands win the lottery.
25 0 Replysuperduperpirate Don’t they each win like ten cents or something?
9 0 Replyeinkorn
Yes and it starts a riot.
12 0 Replyjaybone That sounds kind of funny. Too bad it has Jim Carrey in It or I might actually watch it.
2 3 Replyblibla i find him pretty good but i get when people say they find him obnoxious
3 0 ReplyYeather L take Jim Carrey is very funny.
2 1 Reply
argh_another_username Yes
6 0 Reply
BanjoShepard I thought the god chose the person who had suffered more of the gods torture.
6 0 Reply
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