What devs are going to make any of this "vision" happen? He let them go, and only kept the devs he can rule by fear. More to the point, IF Twitter tries to hire, who the fuck would answer that call to be ruled in an atmosphere of fear?
From my understanding, most people in the tech industry (as in >50%) are probably left-leaning. And I guess Elon believes he will either be able to just code his dream site with AI (impossible,) or he will find enough conservative techies to do it for him, which seems improbable.
everyone has their price. with unlimited funds he should be able to make something pretty slick for whatever the vision is - not that I would ever use it, of course. But don't imagine that software engineers won't compromise their politics if the money is good. Given the necessity of income, you can rationalize anything if you really need to.
That's true. I'm unemployed, I'd probably take a job working for him. Doubt it would last long because I have a dumb mouth that can't stay shut when it should