I was going to do that, but I don't want my phone number and email on a Musk list. Like, what is he going to do with it? Am I going to get a visit at my house? Are they going to check if I have Harris signs up and then try to sue me for breach of contract? Will the Jan 6th militia get my phone number to try to recruit me for the next terror attack? If I win the $1 million, are they going to expect political donations?
If you are sued you just say you felt you had to post that because the fediverse is such a liberal haven, but really you voted for Trump - since it is a secret ballot the court will never be able to know if you are telling the truth or not. So long as one person in your jurisdiction voted Trump. The judge should not allow any question of who your voted for to be asked while you are under oath as that violates the secret ballot laws - though I'm not sure if they will.
Letâs be honest- Elon already has your personal data. Cambridge Analytica really spelled out that any anonymity we may think we have is long gone.
No, they canât sue you for voting for anyone you want. A), they have zero rights as a third party to confirm who you voted for. In fact, the HAVA (Help Americans Vote Act) not only protects you from this, but has actionable penalties should anyone access your voting record outside of state/federal business.
I have seen a few legal theorists saying there's a possibility that's illegal too. And if I had to gamble on who's more likely to get fucked over between Elon and a regular person? I'd probably be willing to bet all of Elon's money on the regular person getting shafted
Thereâs no way they can see your vote. Doesnât matter anyways.
A country ainât a democracy if your vote is public. See singapore as an example. The government gives all sorts of benefits and gifts to voters who vote for them.
I meant taking his money to vote. Yes your vote is private but that you voted is not. So if you sign his form, collect his money, and then go vote, I have heard it is possibly illegal. Which is why I'd suggest most people just stay away from this rather than try to game his system
If you look at the law linked in the other post.. who makes an offer to.. and who accepts an offer to. So both parties would be breaking the law. And I'll bet Elon will have more ability to avoid consequences than normal people would.