Probably not what you're looking for but Linux Mint has the option to encrypt your drive when you first install it. It's as easy as clicking "yes" and setting a password.
yeah, i love mint but have felt like its installer is severley lacking for a long time when it come to maore advance d stuff liek FDE, BTRFS, alternate bootloaders like suystemd-boot etc
Also don’t use ecryptfs, it sucks.
no clue there. i use luks on feodora and seem liek it works pretyy good.
Perhaps you had another partition with an operating system on the same disk, which prevented full disk encryption? If installing on an empty disk, most distros offer full disk encryption by default.
That definitely wasnt the case when I was last installing Mint, as I don't dual boot and always select the option to overrite the entire disk during installation. The way I remember it, it says "[checkbox] Encrypt your home partition" with no other options. Not sure if there is an equivalent to Fedora's settings or an advanced mode (like blivet-gui) to setup full disk encryption manually.