Got my Argos today and it looks and feels so much better than I expected. It's super tiny, beautifully designed and setting it up was very easy. Filled it up with 40GH/40KH water and it got to temp within 5 mins or so. Flushed for a bit to clean out the water path. Pulled a shot with some washed Ethiopian beans 18:40 and it tasted really nice and soft, lots of nice lemon acidity, very nice floral notes and some white sugar sweetness. This was in spring config with the 6 bar spring. Also got the analog pressure gauge and digital transducer. Need to install those and play with the app over the next few days.
Thank you, this is the first time I'm seeing this. I like the control of my Flair, and this seems like a well put together manual pull/built-in boiler combo. Love how small it is. How's the steam wand? The pressure gauge placement seems weird to me, is it easy to see while you're pushing down?
I haven't steamed milk yet but the steam pressure seems pretty good. And pressure gauge is something I'm going to set up later today, so will report back here with thoughts.