I don't get the ai hate sentiment. In fact I want ai to be so good that it steals all our jobs. Every single "worker" on the planet. The only job I don't think they can steal is that of middle management because I don't think we have digitized data on how to suck your own dick.
After everybody is jobless, then we would be free. We won't need the rich. They can be made into a fine broth.
Sarcasm aside, I really believe we should automate all menial jobs, crunch more data and make this world a better place, not steal creative content made by humans and make second rate copies.
The problem with AI isn't the tech itself. It's what capitalism is doing with it. Alongside what you say, using AI to achieve fully automated luxury gay space communism would be wonderful.
The problem is that it will be the rich that are the owners of the AI that stole your job so suddenly we peasants are no longer needed. We won't be free, we will be broth.
Option 1. Halt scientific and technological progress and be robbed anyway because if capitalists do not get more money out of tech they are getting it out of making you work more hours for less money.
Option 3. Get a job as part of the 5% of the population still employed in serving the various security apparatuses protecting the rich fucks -- you could be a soldier, cop, or government official.
Better to be part of the boot than be the poor fuckers getting stepped on, right? You can sleep easily knowing you have it slightly better than the other 95% of the underclass.
I would love AI. Still waiting for it. Probably 50 years away (if human society lasts that long).
What I hate is the term being yet another scientific term to get stolen and watered down by brainless capitalists so they can scam money out of other brainless capitalists.
What I hate is the term being yet another scientific term to get stolen and watered down created by brainless capitalists researchers and scientists so they can scam money out of describe ideas to other brainless capitalists researchers and scientists.
The only place where AI is used to mean a artificial intelligence on the same level of humans is in fucking science fiction.
Is it hard to comprehend that when people say AI on the topic of something made by computer scientists they refer to the thing computer scientists call AI?
Do you go on gaming conversations and say: "Um... Akshually... it's not AI... it's just a behaviour heuristics 🤓"
I suppose you did say more than fifty years, which technically includes someone that died in 1954, but he also defined it in a way that even current models don't meet, so here we are, back at brainless capitalists.
they will automate all menial jobs, fire %90 of the workers and ask remaining %10 to oversee the AI automated tasks while also doing all other tasks which can not be automated. all so that shareholders can add some more billions on top of their existing stack of billions.
How about the machines automate the complicated jobs to make as many menial jobs for me as possible? Computers these days are all lazy. They could optimize scheduling so the neighbors and I all get time together and time apart for a hundred hours of kicking dirt down at the office each year, instead they hang around doing vapes and abstract paintings of hands.
For me, it's because AI is referring to a LLM, which is not AI. Also, these LLMs use a crap load of energy to do things that we can currently do ourselves for much less energy.