If you 'play' an operating system as if it was a game, what is the final boss, and how do you beat it?
If you 'play' an operating system as if it was a game, what is the final boss, and how do you beat it?
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The shutdown button, a very anti climactic finale
Who needs a button?
shutdown -s -f -t 0
Edited to include the missing -s argument
/s /t 1 Get it right tho
I did get it right. I literally used that command in a Windows activation hack.
Start by using / instead of - like all other old build in windows comands then read the docs and find you need /p or /s or /r to tell it what to do
then /t 0 does nothing, /t 1 (or higher) actually sets and timer and implicitly sets /f as well
you'd know this if you had actually entered that command. Cuz that's the info it prints when you get it wrong
Yeah, you're both right and wrong at the same time. I missed an argument.
shutdown -s -f -t 0
Not /, it's -
I never suggested I was running Windows 11, this is for Windows XP. I just double and triple checked, it's not /, it's -
Go to bed grandpa
Thank you. That just means I have more experience than you.
If I need to figure out floppy drives I'll ask
Thanks. I happen to have arranged Windows 3.11 to be live bootable from a single floppy disk. I call it WinFlop. Various versions of it actually, including a build with a taskbar and start menu.
I also made a companion disk, Diagnostic Utilities, that includes not only basic diagnostic utilities, but also CD, USB, and NTFS drivers.
I'll be around all week. I'd share a link, but not much point right now, the Internet Archive is still apparently down ☹️