Am i the only one who feels like it's the same handful of users posting and commenting on lemmy?
Am i the only one who feels like it's the same handful of users posting and commenting on lemmy?
At least on the communities i follow. Every so often I come across a thread where i recognize most of the users there even in the big communities with over 30k members and I haven't even been on lemmy that long.
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AgentGrimstone There's one user that seems to be everywhere and it's probably the same user everyone is thinking of right now lol.
I'm also surprised I come across other "agents" on here more frequently than I would expect.
9 0 Replygandalf_der_12te
it's me me meee right?
3 0 ReplyGrammarPolice OP Yeah, that guy's everywhere. Assuming we're thinking of the same person, which i think we are
3 1 ReplyUNY0N I worked it out, they have ~6 comments/hour average over the last year. A lemmy legend.
2 0 ReplyLemmyKnowsBest Whoooo? Are you not allowed to name names?
2 0 ReplyLemoineFairclough The discussion is probably about
I see "50.7K Comments" and "Joined 1 year ago" at and 50.7*1000/(8760 hours) = 5.78767 posts per hour
3 0 Reply
Atomic It's quite incredible how much one can manage to post when it's your full time job
1 0 Reply