There are multiple articles showcasing where she has, but what you won't find is a single article of Genocide Joe or Kamala calling Netanyahu a war criminal. They're saying... You did such a good job killing all those women and children Netanyahu, here is a $8.7 billion dollar thank you check.
Where have I seen this playground terminology before? Not that I want to support Biden's policy on Israel in any way, it's despicable, but a Stein apologist using Trump's own puerile rhetoric raises an eyebrow.
Not that I want to support Biden’s policy on Israel in any way, it’s despicable
So then don't do it. Don't lie for Joe & Kamala by attacking anyone who says something negative, even when true.
Kamala has some good qualities in addition to her bad statements on the Palestine & the Middle East situation. The only way Democrats will change their bad qualities is if people stop sugarcoating the truth for them.
Calling people Russian agents that call out the cultist & attack dogs for Democrats does nothing to help them or the party. It only makes you and them seem as fanatical & unhinged as Republicans calling every Democrat a commie.
Why do you think people call him that? Could it be the 30k dead women and children that he continues sending thank you checks to Netanyahu for? Maybe this has something to do with it?
What do you want to see. Kamala praising Dick Cheney and saying she is so grateful for his endorsement? Her cult followers cheering for Cheney? Democrats and Biden-led government sending more money to fund genocide being carried out by Netanyahu?
I admitted that Democrats are overall more sane than Republicans. As a Democrat, I have no problem saying that. What I loath though is the Democrat attack dogs that can't handle anything negative or a third party candidate. They go spread propaganda and make up things without ang evidence.
Um, when it is a war criminal who lied to get America into a war that killed over 100k people, including thousands of Americans, you absolutely do denounce their support and say you don't want it. But, as you've shown the corporate Democrats are so proud of the Dick Cheney endorsement.