The Arctic ocean photographed in the same place, 107 years ago vs today.
The Arctic ocean photographed in the same place, 107 years ago vs today.

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TachyonTele What does that have to do with pictures of a glacier obviously melting drastically in a short time?
1 0 ReplyEatATaco It doesn't. It's almost like you are wilfully ignorant about thinking critically.
1 1 ReplyTachyonTele So you have no point at all? I've asked you multiple times what you're talking about and your only response is "nothing".
Are you mental?
1 0 ReplyEatATaco You asked me what I was implying, I told you nothing, then pointed to my explicit point.
1 1 ReplyTachyonTele Your explicit point is to be skeptical that glaciers are melting? The fuck?
1 0 ReplyEatATaco I can't tell if you are actually this clueless or just disingenuous.
1 0 ReplyTachyonTele Apparently I'm clueless, because everything you've said has no barring on the post we're in.
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