In the first grades when teachers asked my class to order words based on the first letter, i either managed to figure out which letters came sooner in the order based on previous answers, guessed randomly or got lucky and didnt get chosen(its also been a while since then and i dont remember, i only remember that once that i was hoping i wouldnt be picked while looking at the previous exercises and planning out what random guesses i would say for the order i wasnt sure about)
After that, the only other time i needed to know the order of the alphabet was for an IQ test which was required to be diagnosed with Aspenger Syndrome, where i just randomly guessed
I also managed to not learn left/right for years, which caused more problems, but i managed to learn it thanks to the english political compass(every time i need to know which direction is left/right, i have to think of an image of the political compass to figure out which direction is right, translate that in my native language, check if the direction i needed was right and if not, i know its the opposite direction. I also dont know how to directly translate between left in both languages, but knowing that its the opposite right. I know right because of its second meaning that is present in both languages