Roiland, whose exit from the Adult Swim series was announced in January in light of domestic abuse charges, had voiced the title characters since its 2013 launch.
Absolutely pointless trying to keep the show going at this point. Just make something new, I’ve got enough confidence in Harmon and the rest of the writing team that I feel like they’d be able to create something great regardless of Roiland being a part of it.
It has been pretty clear that Harmon is the creative talent behind the show and Roiland had made himself replaceable. Harmon probably feels he can continue the show, so why not?
I don't think it's that simple. Stuff Harmon works alone on can still be great, but it has a tendency to collapse under its own self-awareness. Whereas Roiland alone is just lulrandom and unhinged without Harmon's storytelling skills pulling it together.
The two together had this amazing mix of self-awareness and chaos energy. Prime example being the Meeseeks episode. Remains to be seen if Harmon can pull it off on his own.
Yeah, the initial concept work for Rick and Morty was absolutely awful, but between the two of them it somehow fused low brow insanity and nihilistic narrative depth into something way better than it had any right to be. I can see people being thrown off by losing Roiland as a voice actor, but I think the real hit is going to the unreasonably solid blend between their script writing.