I've ditched Windows 11 for Arch Linux on my Gaming Rig!
I've been debating making the switch for a long time, but after spending like a week researching Proton, Lutris etc. on Linux, I decided to try it out and nuked my entire Windows 11 drive. :)
So far, every game I threw at it works perfectly fine, including Elden Ring & Cyberpunk.
I had to spend a little time troubleshooting some small issues but it's part of the fun!
Specs are in the neofetch, my compositor / WM is Wayfire (Wayland) :)
Archcraft is just a slightly modified version of Arch Linux, so it's rollling release. Manjaro is based on Arch Linux.
Manjaro holds back updates for 2 weeks, however. I haven't heard very good things about it, but feel free to correct me.
I’m currently running Manjaro on my primary Linux machine, coming from Linux Mint before. I have no issues at all with Manjaro, but I’m open to new flavors.
Since I’m not sticking to a specific operating system (I’m also having MacOS and Windows running on my machines), I sometimes reinstall my Linux machines with new distros 🙃
I've read that some packages expect your system to be fully up-to-date, so Manjaro holding some updates back 2 weeks can mess those up. I saw a post here on Lemmy that summed up why Manjaro is probably not the best choice of distro, but again, I'm not super informed on that end. Use whatever works for you :)
I use Archcraft, which from my understanding is a slightly modified version of Arch with theming options. Cheers!