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Nebraska teen sent to 90 days in jail over abortion Nebraska teen sent to 90 days in jail over abortion

The woman pleaded guilty to using abortion pills to end her pregnancy and disposing of the foetus.

Nebraska teen sent to 90 days in jail over abortion

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  • These people care more about an unborn baby than they do about the baby after it's born. Actually sad.

    If every one of these anti-abortion assholes want to start taking the babies of families who cannot raise them then it wouldn't be seen as just a disgustingly hypocritical movement. That is not the case. If you want to start forcing women to have babies they can't care for but you don't want to take care of the consequences of that, you are the problem.

    Nobodies out here delivering fully sized aborted babies for shits and giggles. Pregnancies are painful and traumatic enough.