What's an impulse purchase you've made and it turned out to be awesome?
So I kind of impulsively bought a Steam Deck OLED this weekend, I hadn't really done much research and I haven't really played any games in about 15 years.
Now I have to wait for it to be delivered and, I'm worried this is something I'll use a few times and forget about it.
What's something you impulsively bought and fell in love with?
Espresso machine. I was spending 8 bucks a day on lattes, and now I make them myself and stopped going to the cafe every morning, saving time and money. I also think it's a fun morning ritual to grind the beans, measure everything, tamp, distribute, steam the milk, etc.
Btw I also impulsively bought a Steam Deck and use it way more than I thought, it's amazing and you'll love it!
Aside from smaller titles I've e been using it for sea of thieves, monster hunter world, and ffxiv with good results even though that last one took a fair bit of fiddling with. Impressed with it.