His disclosures, both from his final year in Congress and his time as Minnesota governor, also show no mutual funds, bonds, private equities, or other securities.
No book deals or speaking fees or crypto or racehorse interests.
Not even real estate. The couple sold their Mankato, Minnesota, home after moving into the governor's mansion, for below the $315k asking price).
Oh yeah. Between Bush fatigue and Obama there was no Republican who could have win that election.
Part of me is sad we never had a McCain presidency. I didn't love his politics, but if he'd beaten Bush in the 2000 primaries I think we'd be living in a much better world.
Yeah, I didn't agree with McCain on a lot but I at least RESPECTED the guy. He seemed to genuinely want to do the right thing. And behaved like, you know, a grown-up.
I will always respect him for saving the ACA. He fought tooth and nail to keep it from being passed, but when he saw the damage that killing it would do he stood up against Trump and the rest of the party and cast the deciding vote to prevent its repeal.