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Menachem chili spaghetti is extremely normal tho ?
i mean skyline sux and all but like
9 6 Replymcribbs Burn the heretic! Skyline rules!
15 1 Replycincoswim
Sometimes, you just want Gold Star Chili
5 1 Reply
SuperSoftAbby OP
I honestly never had chili on spaghetti till I moved here. It also only happened because we were too poor for spaghetti sauce.
5 0 ReplyMenachem i mean it's spiced differently and usually has beans but the main ingredient is still tomatoes. not that different from having a meat sauce
8 0 ReplySyranati Well and the cinnamon. And the shredded cheddar cheese.
6 0 Replyzzzzzz Cinnamon?
5 0 ReplySyranati Cinnamon.
7 0 ReplySuperSoftAbby OP
Syranati It’s unholy. I had a coworker tell me that I “needed to force it down a few times” before I would start to like it. That’s stockholm syndrome for food my guy.
4 1 Reply
mcribbs ALL the shredded cheddar cheese
5 0 ReplyMenachem the only restaurant chili with cinnamon is skyline, which is specifically why i dont like it
4 0 Reply